Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Spring gently strokes the ear, summer rustles the hair, in the colour dyed by autumn, standing still in winter.
We were helpless, searching for a way, the wings to tomorrow which we could fly with only by ourselves

Shaking, being shaken, till the time I flap my wings

Unexpectedly falling into my gaze; if I walk somewhere, how far...

Because the meeting of tomorrow comes even to the night of velour which was closing,
Dazzling, it's not even possible to breathe, these days are shining

The dream which blossomed in spring is seen in summer, thinking and pacing around it in autumn, searching for the answer in winter
I imagined willfully flying through the image of the future which I drew

Shaking, being shaken, till the time I flap my wings

Someday, till when, can I smile? Where am I running to, how far...

When the spring comes, farewell, and the way back to the afternoon when you murmured
I don't want to finish this dream, under the ringing of the bell

Shaking, being shaken, till the time I flap my wings

Does this voice reach you? This singing voice resounds in the sky

Shaken, because of this small thought which sketched the dream in the skies,
I don't want to finish this dream, words aren't needed anymore

Perhaps there won't be a tomorrow, I can speak from the heart now,
Surely, I will arrive at a place where it is like staying with you

Credit:  Akatsuki

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